
★★★★☆ 3.8 (671)



ShouyouACL さんの感想・評価

★★★☆☆ 2.9
物語 : 3.0 作画 : 4.0 声優 : 4.0 音楽 : 1.0 キャラ : 2.5 状態:観終わった


Chainsaw Man

Good ideas, poor execution. High potential, delivery below expectations. An anime that has a technical part that is good at the same time, but manages to be spoiled with wrong decisions at the wrong times.

The story is bad, the characters are vague, the discussions are childish, nothing in the narrative aspect calls attention, however, I confess that I didn't expect anything from the anime in that part, I just wanted an action anime with beaten characters, however charismatic, unfortunately not even I got that.
Dialogues are written in a simplified way, without depth in the way of interpreting something, the script is thrown in your face in the cheapest way possible, just to justify some struggle that the anime will bring.
Characters as previously said are bad, simple and shallow. In fairness, some are minimally nice, others so over the top that they're funny. Speaking of funny, the comedy doesn't work, it looks like the jokes are written by a 16 year old boy going through puberty, in fact the whole anime seems to be written like that. The first season ends, the story moves on, even if the path it took was tiring and forced.

The animation is the most interesting part of the anime, it is incredibly well done, however, directed in a terrible way. Everyday scenes are where the animation manages to shine, since the direction is simplified, not exaggerating in complex angles which minimizes the amount of takes that don't make sense and with continuity errors. Unfortunately, taking advantage of little of the artistic freedom that this type of scene provides and needs a mistake, every anime needs to soften everyday scenes and daily conversations whenever possible, it is in these types of scenes that the characters are built, not taking advantage of them is a mistake gigantic. The cgi's are awful, poorly placed, very noticeable, used too often and at the wrong times. Fights are destroyed with cgi, it's very distracting to see the switch from 2d to 3d in subsequent scenes, annoying, it shouldn't be done like that, insensitive, bad and destructive direction for the anime.

The design is beautiful, the photography is cold and matches the melancholic air that the anime tries to have in certain scenes, even if the anime does not manage to achieve this tone in the narrative, the scenarios and coloring do. The characters are cute, drawn in a mature anime fashion, difficult to draw, done with very good accuracy. I would like to mention here that the anatomy of the characters is really neat, they are sexy, real and provocative.

The music is the anime's biggest problem, in addition to not having a good soundtrack, the anime doesn't get it right either in the sound mix or in the editing. Scenes manage to be spoiled with a messy and poorly done mix, the sounds come in before the animation takes place, the music is too loud, the dubbing too low, nothing is done right, it's a sin in audio form.

The voice acting is good, the voice actors do their best to play empty, two-dimensional characters.

Finally, it's an anime with few qualities, little is saved, but it's fun, it has cool, beautiful characters, I expected a soft hentai with fighting, I got it, only half.

History: 6
Animation: 6.5
Design: 9
Music: 3
Dubbing: 8

Final Grade: 6.5

投稿 : 2022/12/30
閲覧 : 131


チェンソーマンのレビュー・感想/評価は、ユーザーの主観的なご意見・ご感想です。 あくまでも一つの参考としてご活用ください。 詳しくはこちら
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