ShouyouACL さんの感想・評価
物語 : 3.5
作画 : 4.0
声優 : 4.0
音楽 : 3.5
キャラ : 4.5
(C) P.I.C.S. / 小戸川交通パートナーズ
ShouyouACL さんの感想・評価
物語 : 3.5
作画 : 4.0
声優 : 4.0
音楽 : 3.5
キャラ : 4.5
あくまでも一つの参考としてご活用ください。 詳しくはこちら。
こちらのフォーム よりお問い合わせください。
Nowadays with the inappropriate use of the artwork category, or even its relative, it is difficult to call something a masterpiece, however, if someone asked me what art is today, I would say: Heike Monogatari. A story about impermanence, ...
Engage Kiss
Even though it is an anime that has nothing new to offer, Tonikaku Kawaii managed to be one of the only ones of this season that it was possible to watch until the end without leaving me tired and sick of the same thing. Unlike other basic novels...
Chainsaw Man Good ideas, poor execution. High potential, delivery below expectations. An anime that has a technical part that is good at the same time, but manages to be spoiled with wrong decisions at the wrong times. The story is bad...
It's Just a important piece of animation.
PERFECT BLUE -パーフェクトブルー
Perfect Blue: A film about how projections can change the way a person sees himself, for better or for worse. About what you become when you're asked what you are, and how disoriented that can make you. The story follows Mima, a pop idol...